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Old 03-08-2010, 08:07 PM
bostonpaul bostonpaul is offline
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Thanks Robbie.
I don't know why so many seem to get the primary roles of Clomid and Nolva mixed up. One guy was insistent with me on another forum (he was a first timer too) that because his "friends" just use nolva for pct that clomid isn't needed.
Of course it can be argued that you dont "need" Clomid, for pct, its so cheap, why would you chance losing more than 50% of you cycle gains?

The two drugs serve both purposes but not with the same efficiency.

Its like taking overnight cough syrup for a headache because it has tylenol in it,
when an Ibuprofen tab is also available at about the same cost.
They both work, but better to take the ibuprofen because it will work better because its more "specific" to the problem.
Same with Clomid for getting natty test levels back up.

I'm writing this for the benefit of newbies, I know that you know all of this probably better than I do.
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