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Old 02-12-2012, 07:26 PM
bailey82 bailey82 is offline
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you need pct no matter what unless you bridge with test and even then clomid and hcg to keep your nuts producing test and sperm

hgh is a long term endevor wich need to be ran 6 months to 1 year to see results and that depends on what results your looking for BB results it's best to be ran on cycle and at least 6 ius to 10iu's a day big money i ran it for 6 months at 2 ius for 5 days on 2 off to keep it a littttle longer i'm poor that shits to rich for my blood but if you have the money go for it bro it's has great health quality's to it man it's just the money part so if your up for 6 months to at least 1 year and slin to would be good with just hgh and slin for pct is great with clomid you will still gain slin is very dangerous so you have to know what your doing slin is the most anabolic agent that there is period you will get BIG ON IT with hgh and i believe 1 more thing to be ran with it but let us know what you plan to do if you don't have the funds for hgh then i say f it and save for another cycle pct for 5 weeks wait 3 more then go back on the juice bro
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