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Old 01-29-2012, 07:13 AM
REDRUM REDRUM is offline
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Bro, you stand 5 ft 10 inches and 215lbs, at 21%? Thats roughly 40lbs, or 20kgs of body fat. What kind of frame do you have? 215lbs on man your height isnt that much. Im 6'2 and weigh over 280lbs, and am about 10-12%

I wouldnt concern yourself with gear, I would start drawing up a serious diet plan, and drop that body fat ratio in half. And its really not that hard to do. You just have to eat every 3 hrs. Keep your carbs in the morning with your first 2 meals, and your fats at night. Doing this at night, slows down digestion and doesnt have you raiding the fridge at 4am.

Eating every 3hrs is key though, you have to keep the metabolism working. The metabolism is like an engine, and its not going to run consistent if you dont keep a steady stream of fuel in there. But you cant eat shit, you have to eat clean, while also giving yourself at least 40-50 grams of protein per meal, and you want to get in at least 5 meals a day. And you will know when the body has adapted to this new style of eating, because its like muscle memory, the stomach expects something at a specific time now, and you will feel hunger pains in that 3-4 hour window if you miss a meal.

Also, why exactly have you been taking novladex on a daily basis for? Nolvadex & Clomid are both synthetic estrogens that bind to the estrogen receptor (er) and prevent real estrogen from binding and exerting any negative effects (antagonist). 400mgs a week, doesn't even warrant the use of an aromatise inhibitor, its too low of a dose. The proviron I can understand, that has minimal AI properties, and is great for spermiogenotosis(its technically used for male fertility), and a good libido boost but by using the Novla like tic tacs your basically killing the provirons effects. Novla shouldnt be used to try and prevent something from happening, the proviron alone can do that with such a low dose, and can aid in the process. Novla is used only for PCT, and if gyno should set in, in the odd chance it would while using an AI more to the likes of Arimidex, Femera, Aromasin, etc...Cabergoline is something that is recommended while on tren as that is progesterone induced gyno, and the usual suspects wont help you in that case.

Lastly, describing your next idea for a cycle and calling them fast tren and fat masteron, kind of makes me wonder if you are unsure of the actual ester that they rest on, and how often you should be using them. And Masteron is what I like to refer to as a polishing steroid. Masteron is best suited for people at the end of their cycle, whom have a low body fat as this is a drug that basically just hardens you up, helps to define those striations and make your veins come through your skin like an anatomy chart. Its not for a guy with 21% bodyfat, and I dont mean that as an insult, I mean that in you would be wasting your money as its true effects wouldnt be seen.

Go back to the drawing board, and drop that damn novla! Then get your diet in check, stay on just good old test, use the proviron as ur AI, anything stronger like Adex is a waste of money, and revamp ur training and def up the cardio. You can do tons of cardio its all about keeping your heart rate low enough not to be using muscle as fuel, and high enough for the bodyfat to be its fire. I would personally suggest using an elliptical, as ur gonna need a good hr a day and that machine will spare your joints greatly, believe me.

Good luck man

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