Your thyroid does affect prolactin, I can't recall how, but it is said to balance the tren with just one tab t-3.
But I'm suprised to hear you are gaining weight on tren?
Tren did make me hungry as well but I mostly exchanged fat for muscle and weight stayed the same until I stopped using it.
One thing Tren does is increase "feed efficiency" in cattle, meaniing they gain more muscles with the same amount of food, so depending on your goals you either need to adjust you calorie intake or your cardio to meet those goals. Tren sharden me up nice, butit never gave me huge muscles they way TEST and Deca does. However, muscle from tren "looks" great comapired to Test and Deca, im
What else are you doing for aas and what are you many calories? ^ small meals?
On Tren: start extra water for the tren and eliminating salt to you best ability?
Takeyour B6?
Cardio? Do extra although tren makes it a bit harder. Its hard to say more without knowing more as the other bros have said.
Good Luck
Last edited by bostonpaul; 02-28-2010 at 02:01 AM.