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Old 10-18-2011, 07:12 AM
Berrocop Berrocop is offline
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Default Post cycle help needed

I started my first cycle in May. My friend was an ex competidor, well informed. this cycle included andro, nandro, boldenone, not all at same time, but in a pyramid for six weeks, sostenon once per week, and clembuterol as much as two pills per day (blood preasure got a bit crazy with three).

Training was mostly high intensity. I was ln a light training for several months until then, mostly focused ln rugby training ( potency, speed and strenght).

This guy was in charge of putting the shots. After some time, he started to get tired and also, stop attending to the gym to train with me. During the cycle's peek, he did not showed up for about one week. I remember starting that week, i almost fade at the gym wusing heavy weigths. He later told me i could have suffer a stroke. What a relief. After that, he took me so fast put of the cycle (one week to be precise) that i never felt i actually finished it.

That was back in late august. I did not receive any trainning indication for that post cycle stage, no nutrition indication, no medication indication. He guy just simply dissapeared.

Worst. i haven't had a decent erection since then. This is worrying me the most. On the other side, I lost so much weight and muscle, but lost so much fat, that yes i look defined, but not as big as I wanted to look, or looked at some point of the cycle.

My questions: how should i be trainning now? ( i feel i have been stronger during those times i never used steroids, more resistant, yes with them).

how should i be eating?

Snything i should have take for liver protection, or protection of anything else, or avoid muscle breeakdown?

Any advice about erectil disfunctuionality?

Thamls from a dwesperate guy in advance.

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