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Old 10-12-2011, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by carbaughcc View Post
Hey everyone, I'm loading up on some gear so I can start my cycle early November and would like any feedback I can get. My goal is to put on some good size this winter and then cut up for the summer. I can put on mass pretty easily but staying under 10% BF is where it is difficult for me.

Here's what I am thinking:
-300mg deca per week
-500 mg sust per week
-100 mg tren acetate eod
***Probably run this for a good 10 weeks or so
Cutting: I have anavar, clen, and winstrol
-100mg var ed
-40-60 mcg clen ed
-50 mg winni eod
***Maybe add some tren in with it too

As for pct I'm not sure and would love some advice. Some say run nolva during your cycle???

Thanks in advance for the input!!
What is your diet like?

what are your current stats(age, weight, height, bodyfat%, and expierence with aas)?

what is your target bf%?

Dont take nolva on cycle while taking tren you need prami or caber if sides arise. Some may reconmend a Adex or aromasin on cycle to keep a handle on estrogen production. and i was running it on cycle also but decided to stop a while back and no sides arose.

Also do you compete? just curious
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