Replacements needed for maschines my gym doesnt have
Hello everybody here at HM!
My problem is that in the gym i train at there are no Hammer or Nautilus maschines.
I decided to go for the Dorian Yates 4x split for bulking this winter and Mr.Yates has a lot of Hammer and Nautilus routines in that programm.So i need some help with replacing this routines because i dont feel 100% sure with doing that on my own.
The routines i need to replace are the following ones:
Nautilus curls
Hammer Strength pulldowns
Hammer Strength one-arm rows
Hammer Strength rear-delt machine
Hammer Strength seated bench presses
Thanks to everyone who takes his time and shares his knowledge!!!
Last edited by bala68; 10-05-2011 at 09:42 AM.