Originally Posted by Kornfed
CytoSport's Cyto Gainer is a good supplement for those who do not want to eat or drink dairy products.This product contains whey and whey peptides and is 98 percent lactose-free. It also contains creatine monohydrate and L-glutamine, and is 97 percent fat-free. It contains no fructose, sucrose or simple sugars. You can order Cyto Gainer online from cytosport.com
I hope this helps!
Sorry mate I'm looking for something which doesnt have any egg in it. I am fine with dairy
@ SkinnyGuy
I'd ideally like to do that too, but I just dont have the initial bulk of money required to make the big purchase of everything in one go at the moment, so I'm sticking to keeping my stack good quality, but remaining as affordable as poss until I get a big paycheck so I can switch over.