Thread: my cycles
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Old 09-02-2011, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by jimmy View Post
hello friends, this is my question ... can make 2 consecutive cycles

my data are:
178lbs 15%bf
165 cm
24 years old
1 cycle

My current idea would be:

1-10 500 cypionate
1-10 300 deca
500 iu hcg ew

2 weeks rest

1-4 750mg sustanon / 5-10 500mg
5/10 turinabol 40mg ed
500 iu hcg ew
1-2 sustanon 500mg / 3-8 250mg
2-8 trembolone E 300 ew
4-8 winstrol 50 mg ed
500 iu hcg ew

my objective is to reach a weight of 195lbs and 10-9%bf

thanks for your opinions.


use a translator, please excuse any errors
This is cycle is kind of messed up man why the 2 week break in the middle all thats going to do is give your estrogen levels a chance to rebound before continueing your cycle. also deca and tren are both 19 nors from what i understand you should also have caber or prami when taking either one.

If i was you i would go back to the drawing board and put together something a little simpler for your second cycle.

If your serious about tren that sh*t and test will get you 20 lbs of muscle no need for all the rest same thing with a test deca cycle. You should be able to do it also with just a test cycle and a dbol kick start also.

If you want to spend some money like above cycle you laid out and doo something COOL. do the following

Test e 500 weeks 1-12
test suspension 1/2 - 1 ml about 2 hours before your work out.(world-pharma on here sell aquabolic supposed to be the sh*t from what ive read)

happy pinning
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