I think the simple basic Testosterone Enanthate cycle will do you great. The cycle will give you good size, but you will no if you want to stop or not around week 8. Finishing 12 weeks would be perfect.
Week 1-12 Test E 500mg
When you take the test you will take it in 2 shots. 1 ml shots usually 250mg each Monday and 1 Thursday.
After you finish you will need clomid and Nolva. 40MG for the first 2 weeks, this is 2 weeks after you take your last test injection. Then 20mg for the following 2 weeks. so 40/40/20/20
The clomid is up to you. Do a little research and you can see what works well for others. I just take 1 tab a day for a week it helps me, but other people take more and tapper off.