mid mornin
protein shake with 500ml milk
4slices of wholemeal seeded bread, 200gm of ham and cheese made into toastys
mid afternoon
3slices wholemeal seeded bread with peanut butter
2 large helpings of quorn lasagne
decline barbell press
8reps@ 45kg, 8reps@ 65kg, 8reps@ 75kg
cable crossover
8reps@ 30kg, 8reps@ 35kg, 6reps@ 40kg
incline dumbell bence press
8reps@ 25kg, 8reps@ 30kg
Pec dec
8reps@ 56 kg, 8reps@ 88kg
seated machine tricep press
8reps@ 45kg, 8reps@ 70kg, 8reps@ 77kg
V bar cable pulldown
8reps@ 60kg, 8reps@ 80kg
rope cable pulldown
8reps@ 20kg, 8reps@ 40kg
protein shake with 500ml of milk when got home
not as good as i hoped i'd do but didnt go down any weights
evenin snack
5 wheatabix drowned in milk
then gonna have liv52, glucosomine, cod liver oil, taurine and protein shake
before bed