24 years old, 6ft 0, about 78kg, 13% bodyfat, maybe 12 now.
Ive been lifting a long time, so I'm ok with all the exercises, but squats are one I have avoided until recently, but my form is good enough now so I can do parallel 100kg without worrying. I was always aiming for an athletic, lean build before, so I never really aimed for mass, rather, power:weight ratio. I could just crank out bodyweight exercises until I got bored, which was nice, but obviously, being a mutant is way better.
Ive been aiming for mass for a while, but obviously this will be the first time I'm training for complete mass for the entire autumn, winter, spring. I've decided theres no limit to the mass I want. I'm hoping to compete in a couple of years.
I saw the 3x a week full body routine in the sticky on here. I'm interested in that as well as any routines anyone has to offer. I am looking for some workouts which will prepare me for a cycle, or workouts which will remain similar once on cycle in format (obviously I'd be in the gym more often when on cycle). I dont want to overtrain so 3x a week is what I will be doing, but realistically it will be every other day training with an extra day off if I am too sore from a workout, so the extra rest day is flexible.