box sq 200lbs + monsters double looped
8 x 2
pull throughs
233 x 10
233 x 10
233 x 15
hypter ext + 45lbs
3 x 8
lat pulldown - wide grip
182 x 4 x 6
bb curls
85 x 3 x 6
good session, real good pop and fast off the box. all accesory lifts went good as expected
BP double looped minis + 190
8 x 3 - i gotta drop the weight a little bit i think, i slowed down on the last 3 sets.
inc db bp
95 x 3 x 6
100 x 3 x 8
shoulder press
85 x 3 x 8
hanging leg raise
3 x 10
good session but wasnt to happy bout DE bench. ill lower the weight or switch to monsters and lower the weight a lot.
zercher sq
135 x 8 - a gym member was all "oh youre gonna add more weight!?' uhh.. yeah its 135 lol. idiots at my gym
185 x 5
225 x 3
265 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3
PR - shut it down after this, was tired
leg press
468 x 2 x 8
45 x 3 x 8
pendlay row
265 x 8
265 x 8
265 x 6... i think my arms were just beat up from zerchers. ill retry this next week
db curls
35 x 3 x 10
good lift! nailed a
pr and my rows are getting pretty dang good. i want 275 on them bad. oh well just gotta wait for it