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Old 07-20-2011, 09:18 PM
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dfwtp dfwtp is offline
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100 degrees today
xtra water

-hammer decline 3 warm up sets -- 6 45's# side x 6
moving to 100 pound plates b4 someone gets killed when they fall off. most likely me. last time using 45's on this machine unless there is room on the end after they are on

-hammer flat w/ orange mini bands 5 sets x fatigue 60 seconds between ea. set

incline dumbell drop set 100 x f/ 70 x f/ 50 x f

dumbell fly 2 sets 60 # x 8 followed by deep stretch 15 # db hold for as long as possible

heavy abs (3 ex. 3 sets each)

100 grams carbs 50 waxi mai/ 2 bananas post workout.(+50 more then usual) feeling drained. prob dehydrated b/c heat
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