Box Sq - i completely stop, not touch n go. i actually sit
135 x 8
185 x 8
225 x 5
275 x 3
315 x 3
355 x 2 - ok was gonna be a triple, i had the safety bars and actually hit them... how? idk. fckin dumb oh well
365 x 1
390 x 1 - when i sat, my spotter helped me up? he just kinda supported my chest, even though i didnt need it... oh well
390 x 1 - did it "by myself" lol
leg press
455 x 2 x 8
GHR + 40lbs
3 x 8
pendlay row
260 x 3 x 8
db curls
35 x 3 x 10
straight arm pulldown
45 x 2 x 25
i planned on going higher for box sqs but i wanted to get 390 by myself. the spot + the goofy bar thing at 355 got me kinda tired. i shut it down than.
rest of the lift went fine. i was lifting w my friend whos 6' and 240 and im the same size as him now which is kinda cool, even though we go for strength not size. he gave me a compliment