Originally Posted by woodrow1
tobacco by far....then alcohol .....then steroids...
Hundreds of thousands of people die per year from tobacco..
Tens of thousands to alcohol...
Then....how many for steroids...ZERO!?
I wouldnt say zero die from steroids and if im honest i expect the number of steroid related deaths to rise dramaticly in the next 50 years. look how many boxers, bodybuilders, wrestlers and athletes in general are dying and have died due to cardiac issues. might not be directly steroid related but 90% of the time the steroids have done the damage (enlarged heart, years of high BP, stress on organs) As most of you know im a steroid user but i cant defend them, even done safely there are risks and a steroid user has a higher risk of a heart attack due to a enlarged heart be it while on steroids or 30 years down the line .... but to answer the question id say tobacco and alcohol are worse than steroids !