Deca jab this morn then cardio
3km on treadmill fast walk at a 9 incline.
seated crunch.
warm up - 25@fullstack
2nd set -25@fullstack +20kg
3rd set - 20@fullsatck +30kg
dumbell side bends.
warm up - 12@30kg each side
main set - 12 @40kg each side
protein shake with 500ml of milk soon as i got in then,
3 cups of oats, 5 eggs and 1 yolk with half cup of raisins mixed in with a cup of tea.
mid morning
200gm of chicken, 3 slices of wholemeal bread
chicken salad with seeds and soya beans, washed down with 1/2 pint of milk
chicken breast, veggies and wholemeal pasta
Last edited by sniper300c; 07-13-2011 at 10:09 PM.