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Old 05-25-2011, 01:07 AM
ActiveTom ActiveTom is offline
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Default Looking for guidance constructing my diet

Hey everyone!

So, I'm looking at bulking. I want to bulk quite well, mass is my main goal, but I am aware its summer time and I go on holiday in about 2 months time so I dont want to pack much fat on. I am looking for advice on exactly what I should be doing. How many grams of protein, complex and simple carbs and fat I should be taking in to keep bulking but without running away with my diet.

So, here are my stats:

Age: 24
Sex: Yes please! lol, male.
Height: 6ft0
Weight: 77kg
Metabolism: medium. I was a skinny teenager, but my metabolism has slowed quite a bit over the past 3 years.
Body-Fat%: 14.5%
Cardio: Boxing training once a week (I used to train 3-4 times a week but I am cutting it down to focus on bodybuilding and mass).
Natural/Assisted: I am traning without steroids currently. I wish to bulk up naturally for now, but will definitely be starting them in the future.

Current Diet:

I currently usually wake up and have a bowl of sugar free museli, protein shake and a piece of fruit. I then snack on chicken and peanut butter through the day. I usually have 3 protein shakes a day, as much chicken as I can. I usually have some rice or brown bread with my chicken at some points in the day. I also have my dinner which will be whatever my family have cooked. Usually pasta or potato with some meat, could be anything really. Post workout I usually have a piece of fruit with a protein shake.

So, usually 1-2 pieces of fruit, 3 shakes, 4 chicken breasts, 1 bowl of museli, couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter, 1-2 rounds of brown bread and whatever my family cooks for dinner.

I am looking to build a diet which is better than my current one. I know its nowhere near what I should be and I want to improve it drastically. I would like it if someone would tell me the rough amounts of each micronutrient I should be consuming. I feel my diet is lacking on many levels and I need a target to aim for in order to maximise my gains. My poor diet is the main reason I want to give a good diet a chance and get it right before I go on my first cycle, as I dont want to waste the cycle on shit diet.

I am currently using Optimum nutrition 100% whey as my protein shake, but I have been thinking of getting a casein protein to use before bed rather than whey.

My preferences. I like chicken and fish. I cant eat eggs, I am intolerant to them, if I eat 1-2 eggs I'll have a really bad stomach ache. If I have 3, I wont be able to walk because of the pain.

Any explanation on peoples logic behind their statements is greatly appreciated.
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