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Old 05-17-2011, 06:42 PM
ActiveTom ActiveTom is offline
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I went to Olympic Gym in Eccles near Manchester today, gave me some motivation to keep pushing my mass while I get ready to do my first cycle.

I also went over my diet with Paul George himself, granted it was the utter basics of my diet and it was immediately obvious to me once he made me start thinking about it was that I am eating WAY less than I should be, even for a cutting diet like I am on now.

Either way, ive just hit 14% bodyfat, so I am happy probably bulking from here on in. If I tense my stomach, I have my 6 pack back (the last line across my navel isnt great), but I have just gotta accept that itll be a casualty in the next bulking phase no matter what I do, so might as well get bulking now

So youd recommend if anything, running a low dose of nolva througout a cycle rather than an AI?

At what point would you guys say someone should begin a cycle? I still have a way to go naturally, but it would be nice to have a target to aim to before I begin steroids.
I'm currently at 6ft, 77kg with 14% bodyfat, weights still going up, still working on my diet.

Last edited by ActiveTom; 05-17-2011 at 06:45 PM.
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