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Old 05-17-2011, 05:43 AM
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Originally Posted by ActiveTom View Post
Hey bud, thanks for the post! I'm comfortable with Test E for my first cycle, thinking of taking Sus or another test blend in a future cycle.

I'm worried about gyno, when I was a teenager I had a bit of gyno during puberty, swollen, sore under the nipples. It settled down, my chest still isn't perfectly flat so maybe a tiny bit of it stayed but theres no firm tissue so its probs just where I happen to store a bit of extra fat. That's why I'm interested in taking an AI. Are there any drawbacks of taking an AI or is it just pointless extra cost? If I did get sides would they be catchable in time with nolva so they weren't permanent? Just concerned I may be susceptible, or whether its nothing to worry about.

I'm really tempted to try Norma Test E or Lixus. Norma seems fairly easy to see if it's real (its weird people say on the threads something is a good/awesome fake, but then point out like 3 imperfections) so it'd give me confidence in a pharmaceutical so id be calmer taking it as a first timer and I haven't seen any Lixus fakes yet. Just need to make sure my mind is at rest so I don't do the whole cycle with dread.
Yo dude, If your concerned about gyno then I would suggest that you take Nolva from day 1 at 20mg per day through out the cycle. It's not a waste of money and it can save you a lot of stressing. It may stop the test working aswell as it should, by that I mean it might reduce the effectiveness of the Test by about 5%. I think that's perfectly acceptable, I would much rather the Test was slightly less effective than grow a pair of tits!
However, I have been doing gear for 20 years and I've only started using Nolva in the last couple of years and to be honest I don't think it makes any difference to the way gear works, I always make good gains whether on Nolva or not.

As for peoples comments on whether gear is fake or not, Well you have to remember that not all medications work on every person that's why there are so many different ones that do the same job!
A guy might get legit Norma Test and he for some reason doesn't get the results he was wanting "therefore it must be fake" even though it's 100% legit! Make sure you get your gear from a good, reliable source and you won't need to worry about it.

I f you've got any other questions or worries just ask mate, Always happy to help

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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