At 16 taking steroids will fuck you up! Simple as that!
A lot of the side effects of steroids are completely irreversable if taken in your teens.
At 16 your body is producing the same amount of testosterone that you would be using if doing a mild cycle so why bother it's a total waste of time, money and your life.
Side effects from steroid use include: Acne, aggression, anaphylactic shock, birth defects, blood clotting changes, cancer, depression, gynecomastia, hair loss, headaches, high blood pressure, immune system changes, kidney stress, liver stress, prostrate enlargement, sexual dysfunction, stunted growth, testicular atrophy, water retention, and virilization.
(Remember a lot of these are irriversable if you are in your teens)
At 16 your body is still growing naturally, It does not need the extra drugs to make it grow.
Read This:
You will get great gains from just training, eating and resting, you really do not need to fuck about with this stuff at your age bro. All you need is a good training program, a good healthy diet and plenty of rest and you WILL grow.
Bro please forget about using gear at your age, it will only end in pain and misery!
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