So you weight train for 1 and a half hours every day is that correct?
What you have to remember about Arnold apart from him being a genetic freak is the fact that he was on gear most of the time! Which would enable him to recover quicker.
If you are training with heavy weights for that long five days a week then it sounds like some serious over training! Can you give me break down of your Chest workout and Biceps workout, what exercises, how many sets and how many reps?
As I said before it is possible to build muscle and burn fat but you have to make sure that your diet is ultra clean, I can give you a diet to follow if you really want to do it the way you have explained, Thats no problem.
I am concerned about the amount of training your doing so get back to me with those 2 workouts I asked for.
As for the gear, lets get the diet and training sorted and then if you still want to take gear I/we can advise you on the safest way and what to use etc
Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.