What percentage of body fat are you, If you are an unhealthy 295lbs and carrying a lot of fat then I would suggest that you don't use steroids just yet!
It's very difficult to burn fat and build muscle at the same time due to being on a low calorie diet, Don't get me wrong, you will burn fat while building muscle but it will take a while. It would be much better for you to lose all the fat first and then start to build the muscle up once you are in shape.
As for the gear there is really only one steroid that will help build muscle while on low calories and that is Primobolan which is extremely expensive!
If you are intent on using something then try Clenbuterol, This will help you burn the fat big time as long as your calories are low. Read this it will help explain about Clenbuterol:
Are you doing any form of cardio?
Can you put up your diet and training routine so we can see exactly what your doing, If you've lost 25lbs in 6 months then the diet sounds ok but it could be better(possibly) I would like to see a copy of your training routine, I feel sure that it can be improved.
If you want to take steroids then you need to find out what they are and what they do, It's not just a case of taking gear and you'll grow there a lot of factors that need to be taken in to consideration.
Read up on them and study them, It's good that you joined a forum like ours to help you, It's an excellent start and there are a lot of knowledgeable guys on here who are more than happy to help you. I suggest you read Mick Harts "Laymans Guide to Steroids" 1, 2 and 3, they are excellent books and the author explains everything in a language that everyone can understand, In my opinion they are a MUST read if you are interested in taking gear.
Get the diet and training posted up and we'll sort it out for you, You will be surprised how a little tweaking of the diet and/or training will do!