Hi every one I'm astarting this a bit late as I'm in my 5th week of zaralone 10 dbol. I started of taking 30 mg ed in my 5th week I have gone up to 40 mg ed I'm going to stay @ 40 mg ed for 2 weeks then taper down to 30 for a week then 20. Then stop.
A lot of people don't agree with dbol only cycles and tapering down but I'm getting advice from someone who knows what he's talking about.
I have been steadily increasing in weight and a week ago I was staring a 11 pound gain in the face. I will weigh myself today and see the next result. The strength gains are awesome I went from an 80 kg bench to 110 kg bench. Loving this cycle and I will keep you all updated on my progress.
I'm looking to come off this in a few weeks, have the correct time off then start a test e cycle.

. This is my firsyt cycle by the way.