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Old 04-06-2011, 05:54 AM
Triplex07 Triplex07 is offline
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Default Good Oral to add to cycle

I have been doing gear for the past 8yrs off and on. I have learned very much from forums like this. I have alway kept my cycles basic because I dont compete, and I'm starting to get older. dbol-kick start/test/deca etc.. Clomid/Nolva on hand... Full pct... Nothing too crazy.. I will be 40 this summer, and I'm about 6ft tall and weight 220lbs.. What I'm looking for is a decent oral that will give me some quality gains. But will not effect my blood pressure too much, and not to harsh on the liver.. I was thinking GP's primo??? Any ideas would be appreciated.

Reason being is that my blood pressure does get elevated while on cycle, and i take supp's to keep it in check.. That works fine while on the test/deca.. But for the first 4 weeks the dbol seems to really effect it.. And I really want to add a decent oral to kick start my cycle..
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