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Old 04-05-2011, 06:17 PM
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Huge Tom Huge Tom is offline
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Exclamation Explanation why many items are out of stock

I see this questions on some forums where we advertise plus I get PM's.

Firstly it is always a pleasure to read such messages, because it means more and more people want to use your services and we are doing our best here to make you happy.

Regarding out of stock products. As you know we ship from many locations and it each warehouse has its shippers. Now let me be honest with you some people are just lazy and want money from sky. I am serius now, it is hard to find hard working people who want to achieve something in this life.
Because of this we had delays especially with sciroxx which always made me mad because I can't change this.
Now we moved some products to other warehouse from where we ship faster.

Some orders were delayed and now we ship them.

More products are coming to our warehouses and soon you will see them on site.

Plus we think to open something special for people who has money and appreciate time and high quality service.

P.S. Sometimes products are showing out of stock on site but they actually are in stock this is long to explain now why but it is a programing peculiarity of our site. So simple write a ticket and ask or PM me.
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