Thread: need help
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Old 03-22-2011, 11:20 PM
havesome havesome is offline
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I'm 235lbs and about 6 feet BMI is at 35 but my doctor said that isn't accurate because i have a large back and a lot of muscle...I can see the top 4 abs and there is some definition on both sides of my adomial area... I have some good definition on my arms and my back and neck are pretty strong...If i lost about 15-20 lbs i know that i would be ripped and have the results i want...then i just want to be able to maintian most of it until i do another cycle in 8-12 months.

The work out i have put together is all on my own reading...i'm just trying to get an overall ripped, lean look....if you think i should change something please let me know...I can make sure to rest at leaset 24 hours between muscle groups...i just don't know what it productive and counter productive on a cycle like last cycle all i did was eat and lift ....very little cardio
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