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Old 12-13-2009, 11:29 AM
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Huge Tom Huge Tom is offline
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yup, can't find anything on these guys. you would think that they would be mentioned on other sites like professionalmuscle. but, there is not even a BAD review of GBN on other sites. usually someone would write FAST on a scammer.

That being said, this forum is probably monitored and ran by GBN. so all positive feedback is going to appear on here . my buddy is in the process of being scammed by a popular ug seller. so i'm shopping too. but i'm heavily leaning towards GBN and another site. I WILL however post my ordering and experimenting review on this site, especially on other sites if its a scam. hahahaha. don't hate, i'm coming from a skeptic's viewpoint.
Dear Sir,
Taking into consideration that there are many sites who scam people I understand you and your viewpoint. But let me assure you that we are not here for 1 day but for long run. We are in this business for long time because we are doing our best to serve bodybuilders and to offer them what they need according to their possibilities.

Place an order with us and you will come back, I assure you and feel free to contact me for any questions you might have.
GbnStore.Net - Why wait for tomorrow? Get Bigger Now.

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