Way too much bro!
Keep it simple!
Start off with something like this 3 Day Split Full Body Routine:
Alternate between Squats and deadlifts each session, So squats on monday, deads on wednesday, squats on friday and so on. Its an excellent routine and you will grow!
When you start your cycle I suggest you try something like this:
On day 1 just swap the flat and incline presses around if you want to concentrate on inclines.
Alternatively, There is this one which is also extremely productive:
This one is absolutely brutal!!! It works!!!
The reason you are growing as you think you should be is quite simpley because your doing too much. Try the above suggested routines and you will grow, They are all explained in detail so you will understand exactly how and what to do, If you do have any queries juswt pm me or write them in this post.